6:00 PM18:00

Youth Parent Meeting

  • Cumberland Valley High School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A mandatory meeting for all parents of CV Youth Wrestlers is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, Nov. 6th at 6pm in the CV High School cafeteria. The meeting will last about an hour and is intended for parents and wrestlers. We will review all the pertinent information for the season and answer any questions you may have. We will also be weighing each wrestler to establish a starting weight for the beginning of the season. Please watch your email for more updates as we get closer to this date.

What to bring: 

   - 1 case of Gatorade as a donation for the season. (20 oz bottles. Please no G2)

   - $150 check for your family's volunteer deposit. (This will not be deposited unless volunteer hours are not completed. It will be returned upon completion of your family's volunteer hours and submission of reimbursement form.) 

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